Talks & Media

Recent talks

Multivariate time series in healthcare: challenges and open questions. (ICDE MulTiSA workshop - Keynote, 13/05/24) pdf pdf
Time series analysis in Centre Borelli: application to gait analysis. (Duke University, 16/02/24) pdf
Gait analysis with Inertial Measurement Units: from signal processing approaches to topological data analysis. (INRIA DataShape Seminar, 15/06/23) pdf
Graph signal processing for the study of multivariate physiological signals. (Workshop ILLS - Institut DATAIA, 26/05/23) pdf
Artificial intelligence for gait analysis. (La Soirée de l'IA CentraleSupélec, 03/05/23) pdf
Detect behavioral changes in physiological signals. (Scientific convention Carnot Cognition, 30/03/23) pdf
Principes généraux de l'intelligence artificielle. (Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française, 12/04/22) pdf pdf
Change-point detection with application to human gait analysis. (AI for signal and image processing, Institut Pascal, Université Paris Saclay, 10/09/21) pdf pdf

An escape game to learn about artificial intelligence

Data et IA : un escape game numérique (Blog Binaire, Le Monde, 2022) pdf

Some thoughts on reproducibility for image/sound processing

N. Limare, L. Oudre, and P. Getreuer. IPOL: Reviewed Publication and Public Testing of Research Software. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on eScience, pages 1-8, Chicago, USA, 2012. pdf

Interdisciplinarity and quantification of human behaviour

L. Oudre and N. Vayatis. Quantifier le comportement humain : Nouveaux challenges en mathématiques et en traitement du signal. A3 Magazine Rayonnement du CNRS, (68), 2016. pdf